How to preserve and package passion fruit for export according to standards

How to preserve and package passion fruit for export according to standards

1. Method of preserving passion fruit for export

Passion fruit (passion fruit) is a tropical fruit grown quite popularly in Vietnam. They are mainly exported to markets such as the US and EU. Fresh passion fruit has a short shelf life and the peel is quite easily crushed during transportation. To preserve passion fruit for export, you can refer to the method below:

1.1 Store passion fruit in a cold room

This is the most common method and gives the most optimal results to date. When applying this treatment method, people will put passion fruit in cool storage during the transportation process. The average temperature of the room will be maintained between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius.

Absolutely do not let the temperature below 4 degrees Celsius cause cold injury, affecting the quality of passion fruit. Note that the storage life of purple passion fruit and yellow passion fruit has a certain difference. Therefore, when keeping them in a cold room, adjust the temperature accordingly.

Post-harvest storage temperature for yellow passion fruit is 7 degrees C (45 degrees F), and for purple passion fruit it is 4 degrees C (39 degrees F). If you want passion fruit to ripen faster to meet import standards, you can increase the storage temperature.

However, the temperature must not increase too quickly and the maximum difference is 2 degrees Celsius because passion fruit that ripens quickly will lose a lot of volume.

1.2 Store in standard packaging

Normally businesses will use cartons to package and preserve products. However, some other businesses prioritize using GreenMAP bags. Both of these methods have the same effect of limiting fruit respiration. You can also use an ethylene absorbent package to inhibit the ripening of passion fruit.

When applying both of the above treatment options at the same time, the preservation effect achieved will be quite surprising. Normally passion fruit can only be preserved for 10 or 15 days. However, if both solutions are used simultaneously, the preservation period can be up to 30 or 35 days.

2. Packaging process of passion fruit for export

1. Step 1: Process harvested passion fruit

When passion fruit has reached a certain level of maturity (when at least 50% of the fruit skin turns yellow or purple), people will begin harvesting.

Next is the classification stage based on standards of size, firmness, surface, etc. During this process, damaged and substandard fruits will be removed by hand or by a mechanical system. to avoid cross-contamination with other fruits.

Next, the passion fruit is cleaned with water, wash the passion fruit with Susaco antibacterial and antifungal water or Soak the passion fruit for 2 minutes in Javen water solution with a ratio of 1ml – 3ml Javen to 1 liter of water.

After mixing, Javen water solution can only be used once for one wash. After the cleaning step, you can wipe the passion fruit with a clean, soft towel for small scales, or let the passion fruit dry naturally. Alternatively, you can place the fruit on a drying rack or use a ventilation fan to dry it. Be careful not to fan too hard or for too long because it will cause the fruit to wither and wrinkle the skin.

2. Step 2: Pack and preserve

During this period, people will use GreenMAP bags or cartons for storage. After placing the passion fruit in a bag/carton, an Ethylene absorbent pack will be added. If passion fruit is placed in a carton, businesses may use an additional layer of foam netting or specialized fruit wrapping paper. They help passion fruit to be less susceptible to impact while transporting long distances.

Things to note when packing storage boxes:

– Carton boxes containing export wire must be designed and machined firmly so that they can be stacked on top of each other.

– Carton boxes must meet the criteria that when stored in cold conditions, the box will not collapse. To ensure long-distance transportation, cartons must have ventilation holes and be kept cool. If shipping by sea, the carton should have ventilation holes for vertical air flow.

– Only passion fruits of the same ripening stage and size are packed into the same box.

– The fruit surface is not wet before packaging to avoid damage during long-distance transportation.

– Inside the carton containing exported passion fruit, there should be a perforated plastic sheet or specialized fruit wrapping paper so that each fruit can be separated and protected.

– Passion fruit should be packed securely, the container is well-ventilated and can be stacked without harming the fruit.

3. Step 3: Arrange in cold area

After packing the passion fruit securely into GreenMAP bags/cartons, people will begin to arrange it. Cartons will be stacked on top of each other and put into cold storage at a temperature of 8 + 2 degrees Celsius, humidity 90 + 5% for preservation.

Carton boxes containing passion fruit in the warehouse must be arranged to ensure that at least one side of the box is in open contact with the air inside the warehouse.

When transporting, it is best to use a refrigerated container with a temperature of 8 + 2 degrees Celsius, humidity 90 + 5% and arrange it according to the space inside the transport vehicle, ensuring that at least one side of the container is in open contact with the air. air inside the container

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